Kinda was perceived as a branding we would use to represent both Kindness AND LOVE in our creative approach to embracing fringe social enterprise. Offering many opportunities for potential sponsors to mentor one of these youth-driven initiatives.
Kindakafe, A social impact centre and enterprise hub for local communities
KindaPlace hotel in Paignton for a community centre
KindaEducation, for forest schools
KindaCuisine, for a healthy delivery service during times of travel restrictions
KindaConvoy, for a perpetual tour of kindness
KindaHealth, based on natural medicines and holistic remedies
KindaSound, the alternative radio station for kind word and music
KindaCommunity for building a network of self-supporting communities
KindaSport, making sport competitively kind not divisive
KindaFest, a circuit of uplifting and educational festivals
KindaUni, Accredited qualifications for youth Community Builders
KindaJob, a mentoring and job share scheme
KindaBank, a mix of fiat, exchange and gifting. A resource economy
KindaTown, making your town the award winning Kindest Town in the country